sâmbătă, 23 mai 2009

Astept cu interes

De cateva zile citesc in New York Times diverse ponturi si recomandari pt economisirile atat de necesare pe timp de criza dar ce am citit azi m-a amuzat nespus:

Minnesota was looking for a bargain on the tiniest walleye fish, known as frylings, that the state stocks in some of its lakes. Wisconsin needed more of the longer fingerlings for its fishing lakes. So the neighbors have decided to share fish — Wisconsin’s frylings for Minnesota’s fingerlings — along with hundreds of other items: bullets for the police, menus for prisoners, trucks for bridge inspections and sign language interpreters.

Si articolul continua cu alte si alte exemple bazate pe colaborari si mai ales pe trocuri intre multe alte state incat astept cu interes momentul cand si muncitorii lor vor fi platiti cu borcane sau cutii de conserve, tevi sau ce or mai reusi marile uzine ramase inca in USA sa produca. Pe urma ii invitam la noi sa invete cum sa iasa din acest rahat, impartasindu-le din vasta noastra experienta in domeniu.

Si acum cateva strategii de supravietuire comentate de subsemnata:

I went back to using cloth towels over the very non-green convenience of paper towels. I actually rinse and re-use plastic bags too! (Ehei, noi am fost acolo!)

1. Donate clothes you don't wear to charity. 2. Don't buy anything new. 3. Actually wear the clothes you own (OMG).
(Cand am fost in USA am ramas surprinsa de cantitatea de haine cumparata de unele persoane, cate un carucior de autoservire plin! Ma intrebam cand Dumnezeu au timp sa le poarte, oricat de numeroasa ar fi familia)

Drink water. It's good for you and free! (Apa pe gratis? Unde? Chiar si apa de izvor poate sa coste, nu mai vorbesc de cea de la robinet. Si apa din fantana costa pt ca fantana, cum am invatat din basmul cu fata babei si fata mosului, trebuie intretinuta in stare de functionare)

Bring lunch from home. It might not always be that exciting but it's a huge savings! (Sfantul pachetel de acasa, cate batai de cap ne dadea in anii 80, cand nu stiam unde sa gasim ingredientele necasare cand rafturile erau goale, iar imbuibatii astia de americani mancau la pranz la restaurant. Bine le-a facut criza :)))

Grow as much of your food as you can and then, prepare to can. Learn the art of safe food preservation. (Deh, ei au case cu gradina, nu stau la bloc ca cei mai multi oraseni romani. Bine zis arta conservelor!)

LESS Amazon, Borders & BN and MORE Public Library
Si inca una cu acelasi sens:
Read newspapers and magazines online. Most are free. Check out books from local library. (Cele mai multe carti bune le-am citit de la biblioteci publice. Ar fi cazul sa invete si ei aceasta arta :))

Un sfat "Amish": Lose your television. Take a walk with family or friend after dinner. Read yourself to sleep. Welcome the new day.

I keep cookbooks from the '30s-'40s. Big range of recipes with basic ingredients. No radichio or imported items and common local produce. (Pai da, inapoi la "cook from scrach", nu folosind semipreparate)

Iata un sfat pt d-na lui Dono, care i-a promis ca-i face guler masina de facut paine daca o s-o primeasca drept cadou de Craciun: Bread makers. Someone you know owns a bread maker and never uses it. You can save $10 to 20 bucks a week depending on family size.

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