miercuri, 4 februarie 2009

Nicholas Roerich II

Roerich considera ca e necesar sa se pastreze monumentele culturii chiar si in vreme de razboi (cand ma gandesc la statuile milenare ale lui Budha distruse de talibani in Afganistan imi dau seama cat de important ar fi fost ca acest Pact Cultural sa fie respectat si de cei ce s-au comportat mai rau decat niste trogloditi) si acestea sa fie semnalate prin abordarea "Stindardului Pacii", un staeg alb pe care exista trei puncte purpurii simbolizand Arta, Stiinta, Religia sau Trecutul, Prezentul, Viitorul, inconjurate de un cerc tot purpuriu (magenta) simbolizand Cultura in intregul sau. Scopul acestui pact era sa se protejeze cultura atat in timp de pace cat si in timp de razboi.

Pactul Cultural

Semnarea Pactului Cultural

Cantecul Shambalei

Nord. Lumina de la Miezul Noptii

Cele mai Sfinte

Madonna Oriflama (cu Stindardul Culturii)

Regele Shambalei

Mother of the World


Pe ganduri

Tezaurul Ascuns

Cavalerul Serii (atentie la nor)

Sarutul Pamantului
Mai jos urmeaza textul Pactului Cultural in engleza:


The High Contracting Parties, animated by the purpose of giving conventional form to the postulates of the Resolution approved on December 16, 1933, by all the States represented at the Seventh International Conference of American States, held at Montevideo, which recommended to "the Governments of America which have not yet done so that they sign the 'Roerich Pact', initiated by the Roerich Museum in the United States, and which has as its object, the universal adoption of a flag, already designed and generally known, in order thereby to preserve in any time of danger all nationally and privately owned immovable monuments which form the cultural treasure of peoples", have resolved to conclude a treaty with that end in view, and to the effect that the treasures of culture be respected and protected in time of war and in peace, have agreed upon the following articles:

The historic monuments, museums, scientific, artistic, educational and cultural institutions shall be considered as neutral and as such respected and protected by belligerents. The same respect and protection shall be due to the personnel of the institutions mentioned above. The same respect and protection shall be accorded to the historic monuments, museums, scientific, artistic, educational and cultural institutions in time of peace as well as in war.

The neutrality of, and protection and respect due to, the monuments and institutions mentioned in the preceding article, shall be recognized in the entire expanse of territories subject to the sovereignty of each of the signatory and acceding States, without any discrimination as to the State allegiance of said monuments and institutions. The respective Governments agree to adopt the measures of internal legislation necessary to insure said protection and respect.

In order to identify the monuments and institutions mentioned in article I, use may be made of a distinctive flag (red circle with a triple red sphere in the circle on a white background) in accordance with the model attached to this treaty.

The signatory Governments and those which accede to this treaty, shall send to the Pan American Union, at the time of signature or accession, or at any time thereafter, a list of the monuments and institutions for which they desire the protection agreed to in this treaty. The Pan American Union, when notifying the Governments of signatures or accessions, shall also send the list of monuments and institutions mentioned in this article, and shall inform the other Governments of any changes in said list.

The monuments and institutions mentioned in article I shall cease to enjoy the privileges recognized in the present treaty in case they are made use of for military purposes.

The States which do not sign the present treaty on the date it is opened for signature, may sign or adhere to it at any time.

The instruments of accession, as well as those of ratification and denunciation of the present treaty, shall be deposited with the Pan American Union, which shall communicate notice of the act of deposit to the other signatory or acceding States.

The present treaty may be denounced at any time by any of the signatory or acceding States, and the denunciation shall go into effect three months after notice of it has been given to the other signatory or acceding States.

the Undersigned Plenipotentiaries, after having deposited their full powers found to be in due and proper form, sign this treaty on behalf of their respective governments, and affix thereto their seals, on the dates appearing opposite their signatures.

For the Argentine Republic: April 15, 1935 FELIPE A. ESPIL
For Bolivia: April 15, 1935 ENRIQUE FINOT
For Brazil: April 15, 1935 OSWALDO ARANHA
For Chile: April 15, 1935 M. TRUCCO
For Colombia: April 15, 1935 M. LOPEZ PUMAREJO
For Costa Rica: April 15, 1935 MAN. GONZALEZ
For Cuba: April 15, 1935 GUILLERMO PATTERSON
For the Dominican Republic: April 15, 1935 RAF. BRACHE
For Ecuador: April 15, 1935 C. E. ALFARO
For El Salvador: April 15, 1935 HECTOR DAVID CASTRO
For Guatemala: April 15, 1935 ADRIAN RECINOS
For Haiti: April 15, 1935 A. BLANCHET
For Honduras: April 15, 1935 M. PAZ BARAONA
For Mexico: April 15, 1935 F. CASTILLO NAJERA
For Nicaragua: April 15, 1935 HENRI DE BAYLE
For Panama: April 15, 1935 R. J. ALFARO
For Paraguay: April 15, 1935 ENRIQUE BORDENAVE
For Peru: April 15, 1935 M. DE FREYRE Y S.
For the United States of America: April 15, 1935 HENRY A. WALLACE
For Uruguay: April 15, 1935 J. RICHLING
For Venezuela: April 15, 1935 PEDRO M. ARCAYA

AND WHEREAS the said Treaty has been duly ratified by the United States of America, whose instrument of ratification was deposited with the Pan American Union on July 13, 1935;

AND WHEREAS the said Treaty has been duly ratified also by the Republic of Cuba, whose instrument of ratification was deposited with the Pan American Union on August 26, 1935;

NOW, THEREFORE be it known that I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have caused the Seal of the United States of America to be hereunto affixed.

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