Tare-mi place sa navighez. Pe net, ca sa nu am rau de mare. Plecand de la un cuvant pe care nu-l cunosteam si pe care l-am cautat intr-un gadget de pe iGoogle (care tocmai mi-a zis ca sunt cu intelectul la pamant, cf bioritmului) am ajuns la BBC facand un test (am mai spus ca ador testele) http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/tv/humansenses/ si am aflat de ce sunt o mofturoasa la mancare. Pai raspunsul e simplu:
You (adica eu) rate as:
Supertasters have lots of papillae that are closely packed together and small
Perceive all tastes as more intense than other taster types, particularly bitter tastes
Tend to be fussy about their food and have strong food likes and dislikes
Usually don't like coffee, grapefruit, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and spinach
Have lots of papillae, the tiny bumps on the tongue that contain taste buds
Around 25% of people are said to be supertasters
You (adica me) are not a normal taster
Normal tasters:
Like a large variety of foods but care about how their food is prepared
Have an average number of papillae, the tiny bumps on the tongue that contain taste buds
Around 50% of people are said to be normal tasters
You (adica aceeasi de mai sus) are not a non-taster
Perceive all tastes as less intense than other taster types. They are particularly insensitive to bitter tastes
Are happy with most foods, irrespective of the type of food or its preparation
Have few papillae, the tiny bumps on the tongue that contain taste buds
Around 25% of people are said to be non-tasters
Ce noroc pe mame ca doar 25% sunt supertasters. Din pacate se mosteneste din mama-n fiica pana la nu stiu cate generatii.
Deci asta e: moftureala devine din ADN, si nu din blestem de mama, cum eronat am crezut eu atatea decade din viata!
Si uite-asa alt fenomen paranormal legat de blesteme isi gasi explicatia stiintifica!
E ora 22:45. E cald. Vecinii mei prajesc carnatzi, mirosul ma lesina. Unde ma incadrez?
RăspundețiȘtergereCerceteaza-ti ADNul,poate afli raspunsul :_)