vineri, 6 iunie 2008

Sunt bogata!

Nu, nu m-am imbogatit pt ca acum doua zile mi-a decedat o matusa (pe bune!, dar n-o cheama Tamara) ci pt ca emailul de mai jos a trecut de GoogleSpam:

Dear Friend,

I am Mr.Huang Chi-Lin. I work with Bank Sino Pac, formerly known asInternational Bank of Taipei as Executive Vice President
I have an obscure business proposal for you.My client, Mr.Thabit Alwan an Iraqi Merchant, made a fixed depositof USD 17.3M for 2 years with my bank. Upon maturity several notices were sent tohim.

It was later discovered that he and his family were killed in Iraqwar leaving no living witness to this fund, I will like you as a foreigner to stand as next of kin so we can receive his funds.

I prefer you to reach me with the below email


Subject: ATTN:SIR/MADAMMessage-ID: <>Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 00:03:04 +0800 (SGT)From: "Mr.Huang Chi-Lin" <>Reply-To:

Cum adrisantul e anonim, am dat toate adresele de mai sus pt ca banuiesc ca Google, stiind ca noi, romanii, suntem un popor deschis la suflet, primitor, gata sa imparta totul cu semenii ("cin'se ia cu mine bine/ ii dau haina de pe mine", si cine s-ar putea lua mai bine decat cineva care te roaga sa-l ajuti sa recupereze USD 17.3M ), poate cineva pune botul si apoi ma omeneste si pe mine cu ceva.
Sigur GoogleSpam spera si el ceva la schimb, doar n-o sa ofere un capitalist o asemenea ocazie pe de-a moaca.
Am copiat intocmai mesajul, cu greseli de tiparire cu tot.

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