vineri, 8 februarie 2008

Editor Bob "Zen"

Friday, September 07, 2007
genuine friend cares without hesitation, remembers without limitation and loves even without communication.
Grandparents don’t care what you are and what you achieved, they just Care.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Remember, any wound can be taken care of by love, but there’s yet a medicine to be found to the wound caused by love Love with care.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The best of friendship doesn't happen when we are together, but when we are apart, despite distance and the silence, friendship buds to a blossom.
Remember people, silent lips may avoid many problems, but smiling lips will solve many problems!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Remember buddies, you don't need everything to enjoy life, but a life to enjoy everything.
Friday, October 26, 2007
The happiest of friends never have the same characters, but a better understanding of their differences. .
Nu sunt sigura daca povestea de mai jos mai e undeva in acest blog dar....better safe than sorry
Ah! Halloween. It reminds me of an incident that happened last year when Ron tried his hand at a Halloween prank at office. Am sure you wouldn't like to miss this one. Mr. B, our boss, has a cool head on his shoulders alright, but when you spring surprises like the way Ron does, you should've nerves of steel to keep your composure intact. He sneaked in a Jack-O-Lantern to work and it was a designer one! Yes. It had the eye sockets dug and tastefully carved out nose and mouth to make it look scary errr. . . rather funny. Anyways, our Resident Evil Ron, though technologically-challenged, did go the Einstein-way and wired the lights to the sockets, coiled a few coils, taped tight some sundry wires; plugged it in and announced "Mission Accomplished" Bush-style! Looked real neat, I should confess. Of course, we immediately cried for a "demo," but alas, none was forthcoming. Ron said it had to wait until Mr. B entered. And so came our Boss with a grand swagger breezing past and stood in his tracks on seeing the alien pumpkin, Ron errr. . . the Lantern! Momentary silence as Boss stood, staring at the creature. With the right pause and timing Ron made his move and hit the switch. The lights came on and there was an eerie glow that engulfed the room, the colors were Wow and the scene scary. . . almost. Genius Ron, I thought! And then the inevitable happened. Sure, the lights were cool, but realistically they were hot and they heated up the vegetable, the accumulated pressure releasing as it must. The sockets turned red with electric glow and the left eye turned a missile and there was eye contact with Mr. B himself! Eye contact? Yes. Literally. The left eye hit the right eye of the Boss and all hell broke loose. Pandemonium ensued and calm was restored only when we could extinguish the fire. When the dust settled, Boss stood in the middle of the remnants of half-burnt paperwork and darkened furniture facing the shivering Ron, the ex-genius. This time Mr. B's eyes were red hot without any supportive wires or coils from Ron. He thundered, "Ronnnnn, you better explain." A pregnant pause. Pin drop silence. All eyes on Ron. . . . All he did was open his mouth and the smoke came gushing, poor fellow, he has had the taste of his own fire. . . he looked a half-burnt Simpson! It had its effect. . . you guessed right, peals of laughter! Tell you what, when the Boss is happy, everything is just fine. And so it was!
When heart starts listening to silence and eyes start reading thoughts then there happens a beautiful relationship. Respect it!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Dupa ce tatal lui a aflat ca are diabet a intrebat:
what’s life if you don’t eat what you like
Sfatul lui Bob:
Let your folks know there are sweeter things than the sweets to live for!
Moment of Zen, “Time alone can define a friend, the false ones fade while the best ones will be back.”
Asta s-a intamplat la Moll, in parcare:
Steve screamed instantly. He dropped the goods and shouted at full decibel "I got a gun, if you touch my bike, you are toast!"The guy who was trying to get started on the bike scooted letting the bike fall on the ground with a thud.Bravo! Megan and I looked at Steve admirably... oh man! He was proud until he saw his bike just beside the one that fell. Poor fella had left his own bike for the fear of a gun. And Steve just chased him away from his own bike. Anything is fun when Steve is around, even shopping!
Now, for the Moment of Zen: Every small gesture of love is like a seed sowed on a fertile land, when it blooms it's a beautiful harvest!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
on this Computer Security Day don't forget to scan your system and upgrade your anti-virus program. Make it a habit of keeping your most important files backed up. And never ever click on unknown links, especially if the offer is totally out of this world.
Moment of Zen: To do a certain kind of thing, you need to be a certain kind of person. Just follow your instincts and you can be the best gift to anyone you love.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Greu de raspuns la intrebarea din final...
"Uncle Bob, what is Pearl Harbor?" asked my niece Rachel few days back. I was reading a magazine and she was watching a movie clip from "Pearl Harbor" on TV. Now, when my niece starts asking question about any topic she keeps on bombarding anyone with questions until she knows every detail about the subject. We’ve all concluded that she'd be winning the Nobel Prize in any field one day. She is so curious! I thought it's better to explain her the history about Pearl Harbor at one go. I refrained from mentioning to Rachel that the Pearl Harbor attack let the US to join World War II. I feared that it would lead a series of more questions on the war. But I couldn’t escape from her line of questioning. As she listened to the facts wide-eyed, her very next question was "why did Japan attack?" Now, I am not a historian or a political science scholar so I don’t have a detailed knowledge about the situation back then. So, I tried to put up a reason "well, you see there were some political tensions between the countries and that led them to go to war. All countries were fighting. It was the time of World War II" Ooops! I mentioned about the WW II. I was holding my breath and watching what she would say next. Thankfully, she didn't get into the topic. Instead, she posed a more philosophical and to be precise a more difficult question! "Why does everyone fight? Why can't they be buddies?" I looked at her innocent face. She is too young to understand the complexities of the world of the grown ups and I don't want to ruin her innocence. "You see, there are problems…" I replied. "But I am always told not to fight with anyone. Then why is everyone fighting?" implored Rachel. I had no answers for her. Do you have it? How do you talk to kids about this stuff?
Lectia pe care Anca i-o da Annei:
try EVERYTHING! You never know what you’re gonna like! Dupa ce Bob a refuzat toata ziua zuchinni bread (de ce or fi zicand bread cand e vorba de prajituri?)
For this week’s moment of Zen, I’m reminded of the great artist Michelangelo’s motto, "I’m still learning." We all are still learning regardless of our age, I like taking baby steps.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
And for this week’s Moment of Zen: "Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice." – Dave Barry
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Rachel: I think World Peace is more important than Christmas," she said. Shocked, but pleased with her response, I kidded her. "But what about the presents? The food? Visiting Grandma and Grandpa?" She became very serious. "Bob, world peace is like a present for every little kid on earth, don't you see?" She stopped me with that one, guys. I guess however small may be the world we live in, if we can bring about a little more peace in our own lives, then perhaps we can affect the world at large.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
George Bernard Shaw said, "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
Thursday, December 27, 2007
What is it about Fruitcake that people hate so much? I mean it's just cake, people! But when every December comes, fruitcake bears the butt of all jokes. We used to joke on the stoop about each other's fruitcakes. My favorite is: "Your mama's fruitcake is so heavy they had to hire a hand truck to haul it in!" We've always hated old and stale fruitcakes, especially the store-bought ones that people give as gifts when they don't know what to get. Actually, does ANYONE bake home-made fruitcakes anymore? We have a couple of theories, one that fruitcake was first made when Mrs. Claus took the crumbs that had be there for a while on Santa's beard. Another is that there is just one fruitcake and it's been circulating the globe for at least the past 40 years... Poor, poor fruitcake! But hey, what will we do without fruitcake humor during the holidays? Besides, it's an ancestor cake to those other breads and cakes that are fruitcake-like, including black cake, dreikonigsbrot, babka, king cake, and even panettone! Think about it, and it'll make you appreciate it more. The holidays would be so boring if we couldn't crack jokes about mom's fruitcake. After all, there are good fruitcakes out there ya know, you just have to sift through the rubble. (Pun intended.)
Ca intr-o adevarata telenovela, cineva (Bob??) a hotarat brusc s-o scoata pe Aaliyah din peisaj. Cu doar vreo 2 saptamani in urma Bob povestea induiosat ce cadou frumos i-a facut Aaliyah. Nimic nu prevestea: It's official folks, Aaliyah and I are no longer an item. Maybe it's because of my quirky humor, maybe it's because of my not getting out the bling, bling and stepping it up a notch. We mutually called it off after Christmas. She wanted to pursue her Ph.D. in Anthropology and a long distance relationship was not going to work for either of us.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sometimes we forget the little things that people do for us. Sometimes, having them there and just listening can make a big difference.
Despre tatuaje:
Poate ca am imbatranit dar nu am sa inteleg niciodata frenezia tinerei generatii pentru piercing si tatuaje. O fi vreun soi de maso, cine stie.. Dar inca imi sunt vii in memorie povestirile lui Jack London despre leprosii din Asia, ca si acea carte despre tatuaje de care nu-mi mai amintesc de unde o aveam si ce s-a intamplat cu ea, dar mi s-a intiparit in minte ca lepra se poate transmite si prin tatuaje. Iar lepra este o boala cumplita, reportajele despre Tichilesti pot face pe oricine sa i se zbarleasca parul de frica iar inima sa i se stranga de mila. Abia dupa ce le-am citit am inteles ce a fost atat de extraordinar in atitudinea lui Iisus fata de leprosi. Imi mai amintesc o povestire SF, nu mai stiu de cine, despre un munte unde erau exilati leprosii si unde un barbat a urcat si a strans in brate si a sarutat pe fiecare. Abia cand a ajuns in varf s-a vazut ca era ciumat! Inca ma socheaza.
Chiar azi un doctor, un profesor, a avertizat la radio ca infamele hepatite B si C, nemaivorbind de SIDA, se pot transmite prin piercinguri sau tatuaje. Ca sa nu para total demodat, sau cum se spune acum, ca nu e in trend, sfatuia tinerii sa fie f atenti unde si in ce conditii se inteapa.
Poate ca Hollywoodul, cu barfele lui despre tatuajele facute de actori sa fi condus la moda asta.
Iata ce zice Bob despre tatuaje:
Seriously folks, think not just twice but three or maybe even ten times before you think of having something inked on your body. Permanently! And remember, before you get that tight tattoo on your body, taking a tattoo off is a LOT more painful and expensive than putting one on.
This week's Zen quote comes from Morrie Schwartz, of the "Tuesdays with Morrie" fame. He said, "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."
Si iata ca am ajuns la zi cu Bob. Mai am "doar" 873 mesaje necitite. OK, unele le-am descarcat pe lap cand le-am pierdut din PC, dar ele erau deja citite, dar am nenumarate de la Beliefnet, cea mai veche din 17 ian 2007. Nu mi-am pierdut interesul dar pur si simplu nu gasesc timpul si starea necesara sa le citesc. EZine Doesit are cam aceeasi soarta, si e pacat, pt ca e exact ce-mi trebuie: un magazin (revista) de si pt babe (unacred ca a prins si primul razboi mondial :-). New Scientist cel mai vechi: 12 iulie 2007.
Ce aiurea e sistemul american cu luna, data, anul. Ca si am si pm, le e lene sa invete orele pana la 24. Sau idiotenia cu grade F si nu C, cand orice persoana cu pregatire stiintifica foloseste grile cu 0 ca punct de incepere. Ca sa nu mai vorbim ca au facut un razboi sa scape de englezii cei atat de traditionalisti iar acum englezii folosesc sistemul metric iar ei au ramas cu ciudatele oz si lb.
Mai neplacut e ca am cateva capitole necitite din Rowena, care imi place aproape la fel de mult ca romanele lui Ruth Rendel.
Cu NYT sunt mai avansata; 28 august 2007.

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